ive been ignoring my blog since ever! haha.
ok, to be truth, i just got soooo frustrated because of incident happened during my vaca at Indonesia last year.
all my handphones, and wallet gone!
and worst, they hijack (?? ), hacked my facebook account because i am too dumb not to log out all my account. not only my facebook,, but my instagram to0!
so, i am afraid a lot more pictures (by pictures i mean sexy/ embarrassed pictures) pop up to my account, so i decided not to use my blog again. and here, created a new one!
it is not too late to wish u guys Selamat Tahun Baru. it 2015 man!
how come?!
2014 flying so fast, i think just flip of our eyes, right?
i mean, i did call 2014 as my running year. tahun berlari. hahah.
sekejapnya masa, singkatnya usia, i feel old already! sigh...
so, cliche concept for every new year is, people will asking about your resolution.
for me, i dont have resolution, every year kot!
tahun lepas je azam nak cari jodoh.
ok, mungkin dah jumpe jodoh, cume belum bersatu je jodoh tu. haha.
hurm, ape ye untuk 2015?
forget about a lots of question you will gain for this 2015 celebrations, kenduri or raya, which is "BILA NAK KAHWIN? BILA NAK BERISI?"
i just want to set my target for myself to try to:
1. get better things than what i have in 2014 for my 2015. i mean, maybe house, a new car, a new phones, hahah. well, who knows? someone might send me an Iphone 6 for a gift. lol.
2. my target is to get/buy one new cloth, office outfit for sure, atleast once a month. just one. that's enough for me.
3. grand me a Chanel shoes (fuh,fuh.aminnn...)
4. going to spa. nak kulit cantik! nak kulit cantik!
5. jogging. At least i have a record for 2015 guys! 2014 2kali je jogging kottt.
6. lose weight. YES! lose weight! in 3 month time.
7. starting my own brand. tengok la, ape2 je. at least started a small business than none kan?
8. Travel.. yeahhh... travel! i already have 4 places in my list to visit this year. but somehow, i wish i can go to somewhere unsung places. hurmm... like Brisbane maybe? hehe
9. Jaga Solat. auchhh.. sepatutnya list ni no 1 kan? lol. ye! jaga solat.... 5 waktu tau! kdg2 terlajak laris uols. lagi2 subuh dengan isyak. :(
10. at least have 10k in my bank account at the end of 2015. insyaAllah (ikat perot....)
11. and last but not least, settle my hutang at least for my credit card and my personal (hutang kat kawan2) by the end of May. insyaAllah.
welcome 2015!
here are some hadith for reminder.
Abu Hurayrah (r.a.) the companion of the Prophet narrated;
I heard the Messenger (s.a.w.) say "What would you think if there were a river running by the door of any of you, and he bathed in it five times a day, every day. Would any trace of dirt be left on him?"
The people said: "There would be no trace of dirt on him."
He (s.a.w) then said "This is like the five daily prayers, through which Allah erases sins."
-Saheeh Muslim